Lic. Ac. means Licentiate of Acupuncture.Previously I trained and worked as an acupuncturist, following a rigorous three year professional training with the College of Traditional Acupuncture.I now work with Shiatsu which is a form of bodywork and massage.Shiatsu originated in Japan and like traditional acupuncture, its roots and theory originate in traditional Oriental medicine.I completed a three year professional diploma course with the Glasgow School of Shiatsu, and also three years of Post-graduate studies in Movement Shiatsu with Bill Palmer.Since then I have continued my professional development, studying Inner Qigong and Teacher Training with SEED, the School of Experiential Education.What to expectYou remain fully clothed. You can sit on a chair or lie on a futon. The most important thing is that you are comfortable.Every person that comes for shiatsu requires different treatment. While one person is more suited to very gentle holding of ‘points’ and manipulation of their joints, another would like something more dynamic and to be stretched.I have a peaceful, warm, room down by the shore at Camuslusta, Waternish. I also work in Portree, for one day a week. Home visits can also be arranged. A shiatsu lasts about an hour and I charge £30. |